Interview with Daniel Stoica, Contracts Associate for Spain
What is an ideal working day for you in one sentence?
The ideal working day is when everybody is aware of their activities and equal.
What is your favourite vacation destination?
Halkidiki, Greece.
What are your favourite leisure activities?
Relaxing at the pool.
Are you a social networks addict?
Imagine a day without Internet and gadgets – how would you spend it?
As I spend it now, speaking a lot with people and being present.
Name three countries you never visited, but you dream to visit.
USA, France, Thailand.
Going out with friends or reading a book at home?
Going out with friends.
Marcelle Proust section.What is your most marked characteristic? (main features of your character, as you see it)
What do you most value in your friends?
Who are your favourite writers?
Paolo Coelho.
Who is your hero of fiction?
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
King Carol I of Romania.
Who are your heroes in real life?
People who protect the family and have honor.
What would you wish to our audience?
To be objective and determined.