CTA FOCUS and CTC announce strategic alliance

We have had a strong march into 2018 here at CTA FOCUS.
We would like to thank our clients and collaborators for their ongoing support and appreciation.
Amongst few of the changes that took place within our organization, we would like to mention establishing a new location for our Romanian headquarters, creating and Alliance with CTC and sponsoring few events that we will exhibit with this year in EU and the USA.
Bucharest, Romania- 30 January 2018
Clinical Trial Agreements FOCUS (CTA FOCUS), a Romanian based company with global clinical research services has announced today their strategic alliance with Clinical Trial Center (CTC) a Romanian provider of CRO services to the medical devices biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.
Similar work ethics and professional goals is the fuel for our collaboration.
CTC has a well-established reputation as a skillful service provider on the market since it’s debut in 2005. They offer quality services in Clinical Monitoring, Project Management, Regulatory Affairs, Investigator Recruitment, Investigator Meetings, Trainings, Auditing, Biometrics and Biomedical Statistics, “Flying Nurse”, Translations, Data Management.
CTC combines its marketing and research development resources and knowledge ensuring an optimal implementation of the Sponsor’s requirements in clinical trials on the following fields: Cardiology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Neurology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Endocrinology, Rheumatology, Infectious Diseases, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology and Dermatology.
The CTA FOCUS – CTC alliance creates opportunities for our clients to reach an expanded area of services in the Clinical Trial industry and enables CTC to access an already established global platform for their exceptional services.
CTA FOCUS is sworn to maintain the same services quality you are accustomed to and strive to exceed expectation in our area of expertise. Our company is constantly expanding our services as well as our geographic reach.
The CTA FOCUS – CTC alliance creates opportunities for our clients to reach an expanded area of services in the Clinical Trial industry and enables CTC to access a global platform for their services. Our companies geographic location enable us to achieve a lot more for less, fast turnaround times, efficient patient enrollment and retention and great contract and budget terms for your business.
Get in touch with us at www.ctafocus.com and www.clinicaltrial.ro Find Clinical Trial Agreements on Facebook and Linkedin and show us some love! An exceptional 2018 to you all!