Interview with Elisa Toma, Founder and CEO
What is an ideal working day for you in one sentence?
I am a very lucky person. I wake up every day and I am enthusiastic to go work, because I enjoy very much what I do. An ideal day is a day when I leave and I feel I did good, that I crossed items of my many lists and after which I am left with an accomplishment sentiment.
What is your favourite vacation destination?
My favourite city is Barcelona. I go there as often as I can and I spend time in the city or surroundings. I also very much enjoy Istanbul, an incredible and vibrant metropole.
What are your favourite leisure activities?
I enjoy reading a good book. I prefer to do that in a 1-2 days with small breaks so that I am fully transposed in that imaginary universe. I also love horse riding and I play tennis as often as I can make time.
Are you a social networks addict?
Yes, I admit. It became a part of our lives and we are all, most of us, 24/7 connected to social media.
Imagine a day without Internet and gadgets – how would you spend it?
It would be like a vacation, I want to take a weekend and disconnect as soon as I can. I would like to go to the mountains and simply enjoy nature.
Name three countries you never visited, but you dream to visit.
Thailand. Japan. Ireland.
Going out with friends or reading a book at home?
The right answer is: it depends. However, I would go with reading a book, in this moment.
Marcelle Proust section.What is your most marked characteristic? (main features of your character, as you see it)
I believe that I am sincere, committed and consistent.
What do you most value in your friends?
I value that I can be myself around them. That is priceless.
Who are your favourite writers?
Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Jane Austen
Who is your hero of fiction?
Which historical figure do you most identify with?
Very hard question :), I would say King Arthur.
Who are your heroes in real life?
My heroes are those that do good, just because.
What would you wish to our audience?
To keep an eye on us, we are aiming for lots of bold objectives.